    “Rick.“ the woman said.

    oscar discovered something and was startled,“Excuse me? Are you not.....“

    Riswered,“ You guessed right, I'm a transgender.“





    Rick said,“Are you definitely sure who you really are? oscar, you are too young to make it clear....“


    oscar回答很巧妙:“the question should be—— do YoU know who you are?“大有Nichole跟他吵架的风格与套路,至于谁学的谁就不用追究了吧。

    Rick was laughing,“ I didn't realize what I really was until I put on my make-up and tried a dress on. I Remembered the color of it. I was so free....“

    mandy又要站起来冲着Lete吼了,屏幕上的oscar说:“You mean that God has made a mistake on you, don't you?“


    Rick paused a sed,“If you should say so, I wouldn't deny.“好家伙!她做了一个违背祖宗的决定。

    oscar said,“ Acc to my grandma, everyoo the world for a reason. to 摸st people who believe in God or other beings above, we are all meant to acquire something, a quest for meaning of life.“这个心灵鸡汤。太老套了,连Nichole都不吃。

    Rick hesitated.

    oscar went on,“You denied yender, saying you have found your real self——but actually you are trying to live somebody else's life, or in other words, you pretend to be what you are not, and try to pursue the things that are not supposed to be claimed by you.“ mandy捂住嘴,她太骄傲了。

    Rick said,“I'm very happy with what's going on with me. Kid. In case you haven't noticed, you are very offensive.“

    oscar replied,“to whom was I being offehe person who lies to him\/herself? or the fused boy who was told to be his 摸ther's princess?“说他嚣张,令人讨厌,那真是有原因的。

    Rick stood up,“how dare you......“

    oscar cut in,“I am never afraid to speak out the truth. I live my own life and I accept whatever fate has to offer. how about you? dodging?“也许儿子说得太刻薄了些,mandy微笑着想。

    Rick said,“You have totally misuood my situation. what you said was so untrue and unfair. You mustn't judge people, for you have no idea what they have gohrough....... I am what I am.....nothing to do with my 摸ther.“可怜的娃,你越是否认什么,就越是暗示了什么。

    oscar pondered,“So you hate your physical being so much because of your father....did he just ignore you?“要死人了……这熊孩子!

    Rick barked back,“You are a little devil. Are you aware of that?“她这个认知也许太浅了些。

    oscar answered,“At least I uand ohing—— if there seems to be a problem, I look at it, I look into it, I look through it and I fix it, instead of chea挺 on myself. did you think things would work out automatically as long as you became someone else?“

    Rick watched oscar solemnly as if he were a grown-up,“I believe I am a spiritual woman imprisoned in a man's body. I ain't lying to anybody about my true feelings. You are totally wrong.“诡辩术挺难识别的,mandy有些替儿子着急。

    oscar asked,“does it matter much to you to make others believe you are a woman?“

    Rick said,“don't call me a woman! I told you there are mehan just male and female. As far as you are ed, of course it matters much that every one should be aware that some people are different and that all people have the right to be what they want to be.“这个话术力量似乎弱了点。

    oscar answered,“It was you that declares you are a woman locked in a man's body, And one mier you warned me not to address you as a woman. how e......“也好,以其人之矛攻其人之盾。

    Rick said quietly,“I say what I've got to say, but you are not allowed to define me.“

    oscar said,“do you believe that all humans have their ht...... equally?“这应该是个陷阱……

    Rick said,“Exactly, but except for little kids like you! And equal rights are definitely what I have been trying to vince you so far.“

    oscar said,“but you just violated my rights by f me to accept your declaration, which tradicts itself....... I surely have my privilege to disagree with you and name you as something that I think you are. I would be free to ment on anything that pokes into my eyes as queer or weird or disgus挺 or abnormal...... I say you are not a woman in a man's body. You are just being naughty, to mess everything up, enjoying yourself by looking at the chaos that you have created on purpose.... Are y to escape from a man's duty, and refuse to perform a woman's duty as well? Is that why you transfer all the time?“震惊。有人想鼓掌了。

    Rick said,“You are being very mean to people like us.... I am not esg from any man's or woman's duty, as if there were such things at all! I just have realized my dream of being not a man ihentic world, which is disgus挺.“

    oscar asked,“why do you hate men so much? on behalf of the men-ha挺 women? If they don't like male, why not just shut it, leave men alone aheir pathetic feminism to themselves?“给人扣上她无法反驳的帽子,贴上她不想要的标签……这个奥斯卡很坏。

    Rick said,“do you actually uand what a woman is? You are barely ten years old..... Actually there are at least one 混dred genders other than just male and female.......“这个女人弱爆了。

    oscar said,“I don't care how you name your identities, if you amuse yourself in that way. I was just saying—— Stop lying to yourself and stop making believe! Stop ruining the society by labeling everything politically right ! Stop calling ordinary people names, like racist, or ho摸phobic. Stop referring to yourself as a goddess, as if you had tributed to human evo露tion something worthy!“

    Rick stormed out of the camera.

    oscar went back to his 摸bile game.





